June, 2024 Archives

Propagation of the Faith —Bp. Charles McGuire

Pentecost VI

Solemnity of Saints Peter & Paul

Pentecost VI

Love of Neighbor Sunday —Bp. Charles McGuire

Penetcost V

Pentecost V

Pentecost V

Led to the Father, by a Father —Fr. Stephen McKenna

Pentecost IV

Pentecost IV

Pentecost IV

Vigil of Pentecost

Ascension Thursday

Make our Hearts Like Unto Thine —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

Pentecost III

Pentecost III

Pentecost III

An Invitation RSVP —Bp. Charles McGuire

Pentecost II

Solemnity of Corpus Christi

Pentecost II