Announcements Archive

St. Peter’s Chains

Bishop’s Corner August, Summer’s last month starts today, our Sunday of St. Peter’s Chains here in Cincinnati, with the Titular or Patronal feast of the Metropolitan Cathedral. August is the month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and of the Divine Wisdom. May Our Lady teach us the wisdom of chaining ourselves as willing servants […]

St. James the Greater, Ap.

Bishop’s Corner As I write this, our Boys’ Camp plans are still evolving, but I am confident that our young men will have good fun and edifying days together this week. Please keep them in your prayers, as well as the fathers who are helping, and Fr. McGuire and Fr. Larrabee. Fr. Roger in France […]

Pentecost VIII

Click the photo above for a slide show from our Summer girls camp and our St. John’s Eve bonfire. Bishop’s Corner This has been a busy week at St. Gertrude, full of sadness but also spiritual joy. We were grieved by the Tuesday rains which impeded our Rosary Procession (and just when we could have […]

Solemnity of the Most Precious Blood

Bishop’s Corner Fr. McGuire and I left for France on St. John’s Day, the campfire songs and poetry (thank you, Fr. Cekada, a.k.a. “Uncle Remus”!) ringing in our ears. Thanks to everyone who helped for the St. John’s Eve Barbeque, and to the Sisters of St. Thomas Aquinas and the Patton family especially for a […]

Solemnity of Saints Peter & Paul

Bishop’s Corner Happy Independence Day! May God bless our land, and keep freedom’s beacon bright in our midst. Be a loyal American by informing yourself about the great issues of the day, and then do something about them by the prayers you say. May Our Lady Immaculate protect, bless and convert our beloved America. Today […]

Pentecost V

Bishop’s Corner Pray for our new priest, Fr. Hecquard, today. His first Solemn Mass is on Tuesday. Tomorrow Fr. McGuire and I accompany him on a pilgrimage to Lisieux. He will dedicate his priesthood to the Little Flower, and I will offer her my profound thanks for all of the help she gave me last […]

Pentecost IV

Photos posted June 13th. Click the photo above for a slide-show from our Mass, First Communions, and Benedictions on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. Bishop’s Corner Summer rest! Well, surely a change from routine for many (at least with the lovely long days) and maybe a vacation as well. But it is surely a busy […]

Sunday Within the Octave of the Sacred Heart

New photos posted June 13th! Click the photo above for a slide-show from our Mass, First Communions, and Benedictions on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. Bishop’s Corner I thank God for another beautiful closing to our season, with a splendid celebration of Corpus Christi Sunday and First Holy Communion. It was a pleasure to welcome […]

Solemnity of Corpus Christi

NEW! Fr. Cekada’s book on the New Mass. New photos posted June 3rd. Click the photo above for a slide-show from our Pentecost Vigil ceremonies. Bishop’s Corner The first Sunday of June sees, in the shining light of the glorious Monstrance of our Eucharistic Lord, the very high point and summit of all the year. […]

Trinity Sunday

NEW! Fr. Cekada’s book on the New Mass. New photos posted June 3rd. Click the photo above for a slide-show from our Pentecost Vigil ceremonies. Bishop’s Corner The Memorial Day weekend falls in nicely with our liturgical calendar this year, some quiet days for rest and family after a very beautiful month of May. Then, […]


On the Vigil of Pentecost, confirmands, with their sponsors, line up to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. More confirmation photos are coming soon. Also listen to Bp. Dolan’s sermon from the Pentecost Vigil: Wear the Cross Boldly on Your Forehead Bishop’s Corner It is an overcast and chilly Wednesday afternoon as I write the Bishop’s […]

Within the Octave of the Ascension

Also listen to Bp. Dolan’s sermon from the Feast of the Ascension: Do One Thing New slide-show posted May 14: Click the above photo for images from our Greater Litanies Procession in April, and from our 2010 May Crowning. We also have a short video clip of our May Crowning available above. Bishop’s Corner The […]

Easter V

New slide-show posted May 14: Click the above photo for images from our Greater Litanies Procession in April, and from our 2010 May Crowning. We also have a short video clip of our May Crowning available above. Bishop’s Corner A Happy Mothers Day is my prayer and greeting this May Crowning Sunday. Mothers, crown Mary […]

Easter IV

Click on the photo above for pictures from our beautiful Holy Week and Easter ceremonies. Bishop’s Corner Today we are having a quiet Easter Sunday, and the young priests are both here to help Fr. Cekada. I am visiting St. Clare in Columbus again. Last Sunday morning at the Major Litanies our church reminded me […]

St. Mark, Greater Litanies, Easter III

Bishop’s Corner I apologize to you for the inconvenience and confusion last Sunday when the water main broke. It does this about once a year, but this is the first – and I hope last – time on a Sunday. While I am grieved to think of souls turned away from Sunday Mass, I am […]

Easter II

Bishop’s Corner Low Week certainly made for high spirits, with the series of splendid Spring days, and grounds and garden bright with Easter colors. We were all happy to have our students back, and to offer again the beautiful school Masses with their inspiring singing at 11:20. Faithful from throughout the world gratefully follow these […]

Low Sunday

If you missed Bp. Dolan’s Holy Week sermons, be sure to listen to them here: Maundy Thursday Morning: Not My Will, but Thine be Done Maundy Thursday Afternoon: Wash Away Your Neighbor’s Faults Good Friday: Let Go Holy Saturday: Rest Easter Sunday: Fear Not Bishop’s Corner Blessed Easter Octave Day to you, and blessings of […]

Easter Sunday

If you missed Bp. Dolan’s Holy Week sermons, be sure to listen to them here: Maundy Thursday Morning: Not My Will, but Thine be Done Maundy Thursday Afternoon: Wash Away Your Neighbor’s Faults Good Friday: Let Go Holy Saturday: Rest Bishop’s Corner A very blessed Easter Sunday to you! May the blessings of the Risen […]

Palm Sunday

Bishop’s Corner Palm Sunday! A day of victory and of defeat, a day, too, for donkeys! Humble beast, and so blessed to bear the Lamb in all humility as He rides meekly on to die. Let us, sinners, make this the best Holy Week ever by “bearing one another’s burdens” these blessed days, and so […]

Passion Sunday

Bishop’s Corner This year’s Spring is as splendid as it is sudden, and so, so welcome. It seems only a fortnight ago that all was dark and chill, and now the sun has coaxed the crocuses into bloom. I write this on a beautiful St. Patrick’s Day, both within and without. After a hard winter […]

Lent IV

Bishop’s Corner Let us rejoice this Sunday not that Lent will too soon be over, but that God’s mercies have given us yet another season of prayer and penance, that glorious and delightful time we call Lent. Still, some standard rejoicing is on the calendar this week with the feasts of St. Patrick and St. […]

Lent III

Bishop’s Corner I write this on a sunny, early (very early) Spring day, hoping the fullness of this season of rebirth will soon be ours: sun in the soul as well as the sky; rebirth for our spiritual, family and church life. Meanwhile Caravaggio and Puccini are unusually chipper and frolicsome. I think they are […]

Lent II

Bishop’s Corner “Come Winter, have another flight,” the verse reads for a sunny Candlemas dawn. Ours was cloudy, but Winter came back anyway, giving us, with its difficulties and crosses, many opportunities for Lenten sacrifices. The ones God chooses are always better than the ones we pick. Persevere in your devotion to the Poor Souls, […]

Lent I

Missed Bp. Dolan’s Ash Wednesday Sermon? Listen Here: Pray for Souls in Need Bishop’s Corner We started this Lent in the cold dead white of Winter. The Holy Souls, however, provided warmth against the chill by their presence which filled the pews and swelled the congregation, as they drew near to find relief, and speedy […]


Bishop’s Corner After Candlemas’ cruel promise of early Spring, Winter has come for a second flight. Its severe beauty dazzles us, leaving everything white in its snow reflected light, cold and bright. The world has forgotten what Winter is in its obsession with “global warming.” Our Creator, however, has seen fit to remind us as […]


Bishop’s Corner It is Sexagesima, the middle Sunday of the pre-Lenten season. The church it seems bare in its post-Christmas sobriety, a good sign of the seriousness of the soon coming forty day fast. Still, joy fills our hearts, engendering generosity towards the good God who is ever so good to us. Last Sunday I […]