Sermons Archive

Forgiveness: Our Trump Card —Bp. Daniel Dolan

Sunday with the Octave of the Sacred Heart Download MP3

What IS a Sister of Reparation? —Bp. Daniel Dolan

Sacred Heart of Jesus Download MP3

Holy Eucharist is a Sign of God’s Love —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

Octave Day of Corpus Christi Download MP3

St. Angela Merici —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

St. Angela Merici Download MP3

St. Petronilla —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

Within the Octave of Corpus Christi Download MP3

The Secret of the Faithful —Bp. Daniel Dolan

Solemnity of Corpus Christi Download MP3

A Father’s Promise —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

Within the Octave of Corpus Christi Download MP3

Three Communicants: Judas, Peter and Mary —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

Corpus Christi Download MP3

St. Gregory VII, Defender of Truth —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

St. Gregory VII Download MP3

Cain and Abel —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

Ferial Day Download MP3

St. Julia, Virgin and Martyr —Bp. Charles McGuire

St. Julia Download MP3

The Sign of the Cross —Bp. Daniel Dolan

Trinity Sunday Download MP3

Breakdown —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

Ember Friday Download MP3

The Beggar King Hagag —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

Pentecost Thursday Download MP3

St. Eric of Sweeden, The Good King —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

Ember Wednesday Download MP3

St. Anastasia —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

Pentecost Tuesday Download MP3

Make the Correct Choice —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

Pentecost Monday Download MP3

The Transgender Public School Directive —Bp. Daniel Dolan

Pentecost Download MP3

The Odor of Balsam —Bp. Daniel Dolan

Pentecost Vigil Download MP3

St. Robert Bellarmine and the Blessed Sacrament —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

St. Robert Bellarmine Download MP3

Sacrament Saints —Bp. Daniel Dolan

Octave of the Ascension Download MP3

Take the Son! —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

Within the Octave of the Ascension Download MP3

Little Tony and the Piece of Cake —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

St. Antoninus Download MP3

St. Gregory Nazianzen and Mastery of Life —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

St. Gregory Nazianzen Download MP3

Hope: A Mother’s Prayer —Bp. Daniel Dolan

Within the Octave of the Ascension Download MP3

St. John, The Lover of the Sacred Heart —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

St. John Before the Latin Gate Download MP3