Sermons Archive

Both the King and the Subjects —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

Octave of the Epiphany Download MP3

A Saint’s Family & My Family —Bp. Daniel Dolan

The Holy Family Download MP3

“Run Away” Saints —Bp. Daniel Dolan

Within the Octave of the Epiphany Download MP3

Teachers: A Treasure —Bp. Daniel Dolan

Within the Octave of the Epiphany Download MP3

Your Journey with the Star —Bp. Daniel Dolan

Within the Octave of the Epiphany Download MP3

Your Guiding Star —Bp. Charles McGuire

Epiphany Download MP3

Cut and Call —Bp. Daniel Dolan

The Holy Name of Jesus Download MP3

The Word was Made Flesh —Bp. Charles McGuire

First Friday Download MP3

Circumcise Your Heart —Fr. Stephen McKenna

Circumcision Download MP3

The Perpetual Struggle —Bp. Daniel Dolan

Within the Octave of Christmas Download MP3

St. John, ApEv —Fr. Stephen McKenna

St. John, ApEv Download MP3

St. Stephen —Bp. Daniel Dolan

St. Stephen Download MP3

A Christmas Conversion —Bp. Daniel Dolan

Christmas Download MP3

Christmas Eve —Bp. Daniel Dolan

The Vigil of Christmas Download MP3

The Children are Free —Bp. Daniel Dolan

Advent IV Download MP3

O Key of David —Bp. Daniel Dolan

Ember Friday Download MP3

O Root of Jesse —Bp. Daniel Dolan

Ferial Day Download MP3

The Ten Commandments —Bp. Daniel Dolan

Ember Wednesday Download MP3

Wisdom —Bp. Daniel Dolan

Ferial Day Download MP3

St. Eusebius —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

St. Eusebius Download MP3

Joyful Giving —Bp. Daniel Dolan

Gaudete Sunday Download MP3

St. Lucy —Bp. Daniel Dolan

St. Lucy Download MP3

Our Lady of Guadalupe —Bp. Daniel Dolan

Within the Octave of the Immaculate Conception Download MP3

St. Damasus —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

St. Damasus Download MP3

St. Melchiades —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

Within the Octave of the Immaculate Conception Download MP3

St. John the Baptist —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

Within the Octave of the Immaculate Conception Download MP3